(Chlorine Dioxide)
Chlorine Dioxide CIO2 has been known as a powerful disinfectant of water and other media.

Medical Device Registration and Listing Database:
FEI Number: 30087187 74
Puu Lih Bio-Technology Co,. LTD
Spray the exterior of the mask 2 to 3 times (or every hour of use)
*Surgical mask contain formaldehyde in manufacturing process. Although PM2.5 ~ 10 suspended particles are prevented after use, after breathing, the masks will start to contaminate bacterial viruses and allergens in the air, which cannot effectively prevent the harm of pollution sources.

Spray on hands to remove the smell/odor and prevent virus and bacteria to contaminate when eating.
*Before food, prevent bacteria and viruses. After food (especially seafood), remove bacteria and smell as the odor tends to remain on the hands and finger nails.
*Vegetables and fruits are sieved and pre-washed with water, then immersed and disinfected at a concentration of 50 ppm. The disinfection time is 5~10 minutes. After disinfection, it has the effect of degrading pesticide residue and keeping them fresh.

*Use regularly:
Soak the 50 ppm concentration of PL-600 disinfectant in a bottle, put it in a spray bottle and spray on the inner wall of the refrigerator, door seals, and accessories. Let the disinfectant stay for 5 minutes to remove microorganisms, bacteria and molds. Wipe them with a clean cloth. This method will achieve the sterilization effect.
* Regular sterilization and deodorization:
Stick on PL-600 Slow tablet the middle or upper layer of the refrigerator freezer. It can remove the refrigerator odor and mold, microorganisms, bacteria for about 3~4 weeks. Salmonella aureus the breeding of staphylococcus and botulinum is the best guardian of refrigerator sterilization and deodorization.
(at concentration of 100ppm)

Chlorine dioxide is chlorine? Is it toxic?
While bleach is chlorine disinfectant, chlorine dioxide is oxidation disinfectant, so chlorine dioxide is not chlorine, but is the same as oxidation.
However, it is more stable, safe, non-toxic and cheaper in cost.
Is chlorine dioxide harmful to the human body?
Should I use disinfectant (alcohol) and bleach?
Bleach water needs more than 1000 ppm to kill germs. The effect is poor after dilution, and carcinogens such as trihalomethane are produced.
Chlorine dioxide only needs 0.1~300 ppm to kill all germs, easily replacing disinfectant (alcohol) and bleach. SARS in 2003 was removed by chlorine dioxide.